2. Go Into The Water
3. Awaken
4. Bloodrocuted
5. Go Forth And Die
6. Fansong
7. Better Metal Snake
8. The Lost Vikings
9. Thunderhorse
10. Briefcase Full Of Guts
11. Birthday Dethday
12. Hatredcopter
13. Castratikron
14. Face Fisted
15. Dethharmonic
16. Deththeme

2. The Gears
3. Burn The Earth
4. Laser Cannon Deth Sentence
5. Black Fire Upon Us
6. Dethsupport
7. The Cyborg Slayers
8. I Tamper With The Evidence At The Murder Site Of Odin
9. Murmaider II: The Water God
10. Comet Song
11. Symmetry
12. Volcano
Genre: Death Metal
Year: The Dethalbum 2007, Dethalbum II 2009
Finish him! BRUTALITY
Dethklok is the infamous death metal band followed in Adult Swim's show Metalacolypse. The show is funny as fuck, and both of these albums are really fucking good. They are pretty much on par with each other, in my opinion. Blast beats, growls, brutal riffs, and some funny ass lyrics. Dethklok does a great job of being amazing and funny.
Fun Fact: EDIT: Brendon Small does all the vocals and I am a huge faggot
I can't really say which of these albums is better, so now here is a POLL ALERT!! You will now be able to vote in a poll, found on the right, as to which of these albums is better. No matter who loses... We Win.
Grade: 9.5/10 for each
Year: The Dethalbum 2007, Dethalbum II 2009
Finish him! BRUTALITY
Dethklok is the infamous death metal band followed in Adult Swim's show Metalacolypse. The show is funny as fuck, and both of these albums are really fucking good. They are pretty much on par with each other, in my opinion. Blast beats, growls, brutal riffs, and some funny ass lyrics. Dethklok does a great job of being amazing and funny.
Fun Fact: EDIT: Brendon Small does all the vocals and I am a huge faggot
I can't really say which of these albums is better, so now here is a POLL ALERT!! You will now be able to vote in a poll, found on the right, as to which of these albums is better. No matter who loses... We Win.
Grade: 9.5/10 for each
my goodness
jesus man. don't hurt the poor man's feelings because he made a mistake.
Well, sort of yes and no.
Brendon does the voices of Nathan Explosion, Pickles the drummer, and Skwisgaar Skwisgelf in the show. Tommy Blacha does the voices of William Murderface and Toki Wartooth along with Dr. Rockzo.
When it comes to singing, Brendon does all the voices, including Rockzo's singing.
But George Fisher has done voices on the show. Several one shot characters as well as the recurring character of the metal masked assassin who was recurited by General Crozier to go after Dethklok and Charles Ofdensen, their manager/lawyer.
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