Many people consider Too Dark Park to be Skinny Puppy's top achievement. I, however, disagree. Mind: The Perpetual Intercourse puts forth plenty of dark, grinding bass and disturbing synths, in a fashion that is like no other. The music here is just very dark, and has an experimental feel to it. Don't expect some super synthesized dance music, not from Mind. Instead, expect extremely dark music with the ambient screams of Ohgr. This is also a landmark album in the historical sense, as well. This was the first album in which Ohgr did vocals, which had been done previously by Bill Leeb. Sound familiar? Leeb is the lead man for Front Line Assembly. Any band that has been associated directly to FLA can't be bad, right? Well, give it a shot.
Hey, It's the girl whose mother went out with cEvin Key. My parents are actually thinking about having him at our Christmas party. I would certainly be excited to meet him. Skinny Puppy is a very original band, if you ask me.
I don't know where you are getting your info, but Bill Leeb never provided vocals. He played Bass synth on a few tracks on Bites and Remission. Ogre was always the vocalist.
yeah nigga, dat oger been on dem vocals from da gitmo
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