Disk 1:
1. Chinese Whispers
2. Abstraction
3. Unfocused
4. Enhancing Enigma
5. Dancing To Life
6. Brumal
7. Lunation
8. Staying Conscious
9. Shell
10. Garden Of Eroticism
11. Jar Of Kingdom
12. Paisley Bieurr
13. Yoni Kunda (Live To Air) (Bonus Track)
14. Closed Chapter (Live To Air) (Bonus Track)
Disk 2:
1. Eve Of The War
2. Beyond Genesis
3. Yoni Kunda
4. Purple
5. Imagination Flower
6. Spirittechnology
7. Soul Return
8. Road To Ubar
9. Found
10. Clout
11. Worlds Within Worlds
12. My Animated Truth
13. Closed Chapter
14. Chinese Whispers (Live) (Bonus Track)
Genre: Progressive Metal
Year: 2006
Although this dual-disc was released 2006, it's actually a compilation of works from 1990 to 1998. The songs are taken from Alchemist's first three albums Spiritech, Jar of Kingdom, and Lunasphere. There are also two from a '9o demo (Jar Of Kingdom, Paisley Bieurr), a '91 demo (Enhancing Enigma, Imagination Flower), a '94 promo (My Animated Truth, Closed Chapter), and one from the Eve Of The War EP (guess). However, there isn't really any sense of disconnectedness or fracturedness on Embryonics. In fact, there is only one sense on Embryonics: pure fucking awesomeness. Alchemist is sort of a clever combination of Death Metal, Progressive Metal, Psychadelic music, and Eastern Influences, with just a dab of experimentalism. All together, this creates an amazing experience that simply is stunning. Imagine a 8 armed caveman multi-instrumentalist that simply creates amazing music. Now imagine him being eaten by a T-Rex, and that dinosaur gains all of his genes. This dinosaur is then abducted by 5 ambidextrous aliens. The dinosaur is eaten by these aliens, and they gain the caveman's musical genes. They then return to earth and form Alchemist. That is how fucking godly this band can sound. It's so original and refreshing to listen to this band that it hurts (in such a good way). BOTH of these discs are worth your time. Embryonics is simply amazing.
Grade: 9.5/10